Wednesday, March 25, 2009

University of London MSc and Post Graduate Diploma Organisational Psychology Course

Do you need to build and maintain a base of professional knowledge in management and organizational systems?

Do you need a good grounding on organisational behaviour so that you can perform your role as a facilitator or consultant better?

Are you interested in social and psychological processes operating in organizations, and how these processes relate to organizational systems and structures?

Then consider the University of London MSc and Post Graduate Diploma Organisational Psychology course by distance learning.

Available in Singapore on a self study basis and guided by extensive high quality and purpose-written study materials by professors from the university, it is a least cost way to secure a prestigious qualification from the university at your own flexible timing right from the comforts of your home.

Many professionals need to update knowledge by focusing on particular subjects. As a result, some modules are also available on a stand-alone basis and on successful completion of each module you will receive a University of London certificate.

This is a modular self-study programme directly from the University of London but FNS will facilitate:

Connection with previous graduates of the course
Sharing & discussions before submitting assignments
Sharing additional research materials
Making meaning to practical situations encountered at work
Meeting with OB/OD/HRD practitioners
Building up a local pool of well qualified Organisational Behavioural practitioners in Singapore

Email: for details of the course.

Open Space Technology and World Cafe Workshop

When: 24 April 2009 Friday 8:30am to 6:00pm

Workshop Content:

Open Space Technology (OST)

What is Open Space Technology
FourPrinciples & One Law of OST
Roles in OST / When to use OST / When NOT to use OST
Theme Selection / Sending invitations
Opening the Space / Agenda Creation / Opening the Market Place
Capturing the Information / The News Gallery
Converging the Ideas / Action Planning
Success stories from OST / The Asian Experience
ClosingCircle & Feedback

The World Café (TWC)

What is The World Cafe
The World Cafe Journey
Questions underlying the World Cafe
Seven Principles of The World Cafe
When to use TWC / When not to use TWC
Success stories from TWC / The Asian Experience
ClosingCircle & Feedback

Register on line at: